Monday, February 25, 2008

Dealing with Building Management

I'm sure this varies from building to building, but in establishing our Tenants' Association at Rhode Island Gardens, we've noticed a good deal of reluctance, to put it mildly, on the part of the building's management to deal with us. In fact, at the first meeting we had with the building manager and the head of operations, we were told in no uncertain terms that the management company had "no obligation to deal with us as an association."

It seems odd to me that we met that sort of resistance, especially as we were proposing a number of services that would, essentially, ease the burden of building management and make the property more attractive to prospective tenants. After all, what sort of building would you rather move into: one with an active tenants' association that would support your rights and provide a welcoming environment, or one with a lethargic community where each resident was left to his own devices?

Furthermore, it's not like we're trying to get their license revoked. In fact, we're reminding them of violations to the law that might have gone unnoticed. That is, until the building inspector shows up... then they'd really be in trouble. So, in a way, we're actually helping them maintain their control of the building.

It seemed to me that the tenants' association was adding an intrinsic value to the building that would cost the management company absolutley nothing, but I guess there's a certain difference of opinion there.

Also, as a matter of practice, it seems like the management is unwilling to respond to requests from the TA's official email address (although they're perfectly happy to answer emails from my personal address, even when it's clear that they're dealing with me as chair of the TA).

In an environment where dialogue would seem to be the best option for all parties, it's really striking (although I suppose not entirely unforeseen) to be met with such stubborn and blind opposition.

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